Monday, November 2, 2009

Day two :)

So I woke up this morning, stared out of my window and I saw sunlight. So I assumed I was late for work, so I jumped up and quickly got ready. I ended up being an hour EARLY for work. Oh well, I got to leave early. Today has been really uneventful! But my Mondays usually are! After work, I came home and did nothing lol. The most productive things I've done today was make a couple items for my shop on Bliss. I really hate to cut this blog SUPER short today, but it's already 7 and I have to shower and clean my kitchen. So good night, and see you tomorrow with hopefully something better then this.

Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation

1 comment:

  1. AHahha! Gotta love Daylight Savings screwing us all up! D: I didn't do much today either, sadly. :(
