Sunday, November 1, 2009

And today it starts.....

So, today is the first day of the "Bloggin' Bliss" event. I must admit I'm pretty excited to be taking part. I needed something to kick me in the ass to start blogging again. I always tell myself I'll start one day, but I never do. My poor live journal hasn't been updated since February. I was actually pretty torn on if I should have used my old LJ or start a new blog. As you can see I went ahead and started fresh! Fresh start, clean slate. I'll probably cross post from time to time. If you'd like to check out my LJ, go here.. Just let me know who you are :). Anywho, the charity I'm supporting is The Progeria Research Foundation. Progeria is a disease that is defined as "a rare, fatal genetic condition characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children"...So hopefully you ladies & gents will go to the site and check it out. A lot of people have actually never even heard of progeria, and that saddens me. So hopefully this blog will at least bring my fellow bliss-a-holics closer to this cause!


  1. I definitely hadn't heard of it until you chose that as your charity!

    I'm glad you decided to participate Kyli!! <3

  2. I haven't heard of it either, but I will be sure to check it out now!

    I'm glad you're participating too. . .you can dooo ittt! :D We can all help motivate each other!

    I'm gonna add you on LJ, too. I'm lecourt on there :).
