Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New beginning

I have not used this blog in awhile. So I've decided to start over. I never know what to say in introductions. I feel that I just ramble about stupid stuff. So instead of writing nice, well thought out paragraphs; I'm just going to make a few points :)

-I'm 24, and I'm utterly dreading turning 25.

-I have an older brother and a younger sister.

-I have 3 nephews & 1 niece. Ian is 8, Evan is 6, & Megan is 4; those are my brothers kids. Then Taylor ,who was born 12.11.10, is my sisters little boy.

-I live at home with my mom, sister, & Taylor. Most people my age have their own place. But I'm content to live here, well 85% of the time. Besides it's free.

-I currently attend a community college getting as many classes as I can under my belt in order to save money. Then in a about a year I hope to transfer to Southeastern to finish up my degree.

-I'm not a girly girl, but I love to buy girly girly stuff. I think it's just because I'm lazy :)

-I'm a very anal person.. Some people say it's OCD, some says it's anal. I'm sure it's both.

-I used words such as savvy, tizzy, spiffy, rad, sweet beans, & awesomeness daily.

-I prefer overcast days to sunny ones.

-Christmas eve is my FAVORITE day of the year.

-I am a horror movie FREAK. Saw is my favorite

-I don't have any pets, because honestly I'm to lazy to care for one.

-I hate the club scene. It's ok every once in awhile, but it's not my thing.

-I love babies and other peoples kids, but I'm 95% sure I don't want any.

-I love to take pictures.

-I love to go to garage sales.

-I LOVE Taco Bell & Raising Canes.

-I'm over weight, I know this. I don't need rude people to point it out. But I'm working on it :)

-I'm a VERY nice person, until you piss me off. I forgive but I do not forget.

-I hate crowds, I try to avoid them.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure more will come out though future blog posts.


  1. Wooooo, I'm glad you started up your blog again Kyli! I have added your blog to my blogroll!

  2. Thanks Kelly. I got you all added too!
