I need to get some emotions out, so please excuse typos, nonsense, etc etc. Some of you have prob heard me talk about a friend of mine I call Ty baby. For those who haven't, well his name is Tyler & hes a friend. Actually he's my "God sisters" stepson. No relation! But, he's leaving soon for the Air Force. Originally I was told it was a 6 year gig, he told me last weekend it was permanent. Yeah, I wasn't overly thrilled with that. Well then that night he decides to cut his hair. His mom was near mental meltdown, & sent me a text (so he wouldn't hear it) that this just made it too real. And she was right. It did. I came to the realization that in a month or so he will be gone. Well I left no long after this hair cut, and it's an hour drive home. I was balling my eyes out the entire ride home. It was on this ride home I can to another realization, I have feelings for this boy. I don't care he's 18 & I'm 24. I'm comfortable around him, I trust him, I don't treat him like shit and all of that says a lot. He is COMPLETELY different from other men I know. Everyone says I have a trust thing with men, this boy IDK he's different. Everything is so different with him. Does he feel the same? I doubt it, highly doubt it. Does that bother me? Only slightly. As long as he's in my life, even if only as a friend, then I happy. If he's happy, I'm happy. That's all that matter to me. My friend says that is how you know you truly care for someone. That you don't care if they love you or someone else, as long as their happy. That you just care about their happiness. So sigh! That's where my head has been lately. And I must say it kind of sucks. To really care for someone, and know it won't be returned. Anywho picture time! Pardon the quality, his mom took them on her iPhone! I stole them from her.
Pre hair cut!

During hair cut!

Morning after!

Bunny cake we made while I was there. Those are his little brothers & younger sister.

Eggs we decorated :)

Cookies the kids decorated.

And this is the Easter basket I did for my nephew Taylor. His first Easter.
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