Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Project 365

So I've decided to start up the 365 project. I've attempted this twice before. The first time I did it, I made it about two weeks & then my father died. The second time I made it a week & something else bad happened, causing me to miss several days. I hope this does not happen this time. But anywho....

Day 01/365

I finally got me 3 free Zoya polishes in. I purchased a 4th because I couldn't make up my mind.



  1. I made it almost 90+ days one time on 365. it was so fun.I swear i'm gonna start over one of thse days and finish. hopefully!

    I missed out on the whole nailpolish thing..:(

  2. I think I made mine for four or five months when I first tried. I am going to start on my Birthday and go through my 26th year.

    Good luck! I look forward to looking at your pictures.
