Well first, my god sister had a garage sale this past Friday & Saturday. There was so much stuff. Like I have never seen so much stuff in my life at a garage sale, unless it was like a church where several people donated or something. But it was just her, me & my sister. I had a few boxes of things but nothing major. And my sister mostly had baby clothes & things. Now my god sister on the other hand, well. She had a barn & two sheds FULL of stuff. Yes I have pictures :) And this isn't even all of it......
Tyler laughing at Clair for getting stuck. Yes, he's posing.
Lets see what else can I talk about, oh my mom douche of a boyfriend. Yes, douche. Tonight as she was walking past him to go to the restroom she glanced at his computer screen & saw something about phone spy or some shit. And every time she walked by, he'd try to hide the screen from her. So, she got on her computer & googled it. Turns out he was researching some program you can DL on peoples phones & spy on them with it. Like read their texts, see pictures, things of that nature. So I guess she called him out on it & he told her she was being deceptive. Since my mom broke her arm she's left the house three times. All with me with her. Once was to a doctor thing for a check up, once to her job to talk to her boss & to the grocery store, then once to the hospital to apply for aid for her medical bills. Other then that she has not left the house, much less talk to anyone. Well she told me what he was up to, I put a password on her phone and went back to my room. Well then he goes in her office questioning if she told me, my mom said yes. OMG then he bugs out.
"I don't tell my kids about our problems. Thats not right that you tell yours. Thats why she hates me. You always tell her shit.....It's not right."
I'm sitting there thinking, "You did wrong & got pissed bc my mom told me"......Your kids don't have to live here & witness all the bullshit you create & start. Even if my mom didn't talk to me, I still see & hear 90% of it jackass. I watch DAILY as you treat my mom like shit, treat her like your bitch. I mean really, wtf. You're a piece of shit excuse for a man. And you don't tell you kids bc your kids don't care. They only call when they want money. They're all worthless also! Ok I'm done ranting for the time being.
But thats all for me tonight. I've got to get up early in the morning. So I'll ttyl!