Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Update time

I know I'm a terrible blogger. But I'm doing better, at least it hasn't been over 2 or 3 months since my last post. Just a couple of weeks. So lets see, whats been going on?!?!

Well Tyler graduated on the 10th I believe. It was a nice ceremony, a little long but nice. Each of the seniors wore a butterfly in honor of a friend who passed away a year ago. Very nice, lots of honors for him. Tyler got a couple of awards, the technology award & the patriotism award. He also got $80,000 from the Air force for schooling and such. Pretty awesome! Afterwards we all just went to Chili's & ate. When we got back to the house, I died. I was exhausted.


And the worst picture you guys will ever see, we both look like we don't want to be there.


Oh on Sunday, the 22nd, my mom broke her arm. Yes, freaked the hell out of me. She had to stay at the hospital over night & have surgery on it on the 23. Sucks, because the 23 was my moms birthday. Also REALLY sucks because she has no insurance. So its going to be expensive as hell and she can't work for at least 2 months. So I'm feeling a bit stressed. Since her arm is broken she can't do anything. Can't cook, clean, etc. Esp now, since the pain is at it's worst. So I've been trying to do some of the daily stuff to help out. Her "dude" isn't doing shit (which he should since its his fault. It was an accident, but if he hadn't been so careless it wouldn't have happened) & my sister just says that the baby took up all of her time. But oh well. I take mom to the doctor on the 6th so see how everything is healing.

Tomorrow is the last day at work with students. It honestly does not feel like the end of the year. This year flew by, I think part of it has to do with the fact that I went to school at night. It helped pass the time. But I will miss some of my babies. My 3rd graders mostly, since they won't be returning next year, they will go to the next school. Anywho, then Friday we go in till 11 or so then head to the end of the year crawfish boil. Def looking forward to that.

Well guys, I think thats the bigger happenings from the last couple of weeks. So heres a few pics of some of the flooding in the area & a couple other random ones.

CRAWFISH, nom nom nom


Evan won the "Most Creative" out of everyone in his class.




Sunday, May 8, 2011

Just the happenings in my life

Not too much has been going in this past week or so. On Tuesday I turned 25, I haven't really accepted it yet lol. The ladies I work with threw me a small little party and that was about it for my birthday. After work Tuesday I went & got my hair done, then went to supper with my mom & sister. I just really was not in the birthday mood I suppose you could say. It really did just feel like another day. Wednesday morning, the assistant principal attacked me with a flip video camera. What I mean by that is he made me film a little piece about my birthday & he put me on the morning announcements Friday morning. Not too much else has been going on at work! Only 14 more days till summer vacation!

Yesterday was my last day of classes. It feels like this semester JUST started. It flew! I turned in my final paper for ART 101. I was pretty pleased with it. I was supposed to write about a piece of art I saw at a museum. So first I had to visit a museum, which I did Thursday. I went to the nice one downtown. I'd never been there before, but I will be going more often. It was very nice & only cost $5. But with student ID you get in free. I didn't know that, but $5 is not bad at all. Here is the piece I wrote about, I got it from the artists website.


Lets see, what else is going on....Not too much really. So I'll post a few pictures & update again in a few days.

My niece! Gotta love her fashion choices!


Megan again!


My oldest nephew Ian at a baseball game.


HAHA, Tyler on his last day of school. His mom made him pose of this. Makes me giggle!


This is the USS Kidd. It's a WWII battleship thats docked downtown, you can go take tours and such. It's pretty neat. In 25 years I have NEVER seen it floating. Not once. Now look at it. Floating! Shows how high the Mississippi river is right now.


Normally she looks like this. I stole these from a BR tour site. Ass you see there are braces for when water comes in so she doesn't float away. But this is how I've always seen her. Dry & in a brace.
