So my day got worse. Really? Was today supposed to be all the bad things I had coming my way for the month? Sigh! Let me tell you about it.
I get home, and as I'm walking to the door to go inside I happen to look and see my mom's bathroom door sitting in the shed. I was like what the hell is it doing there. So I sent her a text asking why it was off the hinge and sitting in there. I was not trying to stir up trouble, I was just curious. I mean maybe something happened and she had to fix a hinge or was getting a new door. A lot happens while I'm at work lol. Well I come inside and ask my sister. She said she didn't know. Well my sister went and asked my moms boyfriend if he knew. She then comes back to me and says that he said it's a practical joke. He then comes back here and says to me not to tell her anything. I reply "I sent her a text already asking why it was there." He replies "Thanks a lot", and he's snippy about it. I'm like wtf "I was just asking her. I didnt know what happened". He says "Yes you did." he then storms off down the hall. A few minutes later I hear him on the phone with my mom fussing about the door. Apparently, she was bitching because one he got off the phone, he got in his truck and left. So I text my mom again saying he left. Now, he has a habit of randomly showing up where ever my mom is to start shit. This time it happened to be Wal-Mart. He came back 15 minutes later, she came in 5 minutes later. And when she came in she was PISSED. Her face was almost purple. She's slamming doors screaming "Where is that asshole". Once she found him all hell broke loose. She told him he was supposed to put it back before she got home and then I left the area. I didn't want to be there. Once it stopped, I went into the kitchen where he says "Thanks Kyli. I'm gone." I said "I didnt do anything". He said "You always start shit. You don't care about your mothers happiness.". I screamed "You did it to yourself. YOU TOOK THE DOOR OFF THE HINGES". He said something and stormed off. More fighting and yelling followed, I stayed away. Anywho as he's packing to leave my mom goes to turn on the ac, it's broken. He pushes her and says "let me see
"...Then says "I'm worthless but I'll fucking fix it for you.". Then then goes to the breaker box turning EVERYTHING in the house off, over and over and over. SIGH! He goes in the attic and decides a mouse chewed some wire. When I come out again hes acting like all is well saying things like "Can I stay till tomorrow?" "I'll stay and fix it. I hate to see you get gouged money wise with something I can fix."!!!! Really, wtf? So I then told my mom all the shit he said to me. It pissed her off again, and she went outside and talked to him. As of now he is still packing. So I'm not sure. I really hope he leaves. My mom deserves soooooooo much better.!
He is a lazy POS! Does nothing around here except make mess for us to clean! He has no job! He tells me mom that he is 65, retired, and earned his right to be lazy. My mom understands that,and he gets like $1200 a month from social security or something like that. But he pays for nothing here. Every once in awhile he will buy fast food for dinner, but thats all. My mom pays ALL the bills, buys ALL the food, bought him a lot of new clothes and such. All while he can't wash a dish. She said if he would just work a couple days at Auto Zone or be a Wal-Mart greeter she'd be happy. Just so he could help pay something. My moms bills have doubled since he came here. The electricity bill because he leaves EVERYTHING on constantly. She spends double on food now then she did before because he always eats and always whines until she cooks a full on meal for dinner. Before he came we ate 2 or 3 full on meals a week, then did left overs and soup & sandwichs alot. He doesn't want that, he wants meals. So after my mom works all day, he whines for her to cook and clean. Then he tries to act like this is his house. My moms brother did some work on the house a few weeks ago, and he talked to my mom about it. The boyfriend was like "He should have talked to me. I'm the man of the house. This is my home.". My mom was like "I own this house, I pay the bills, I'm paying for the repairs, so STFU!". I mean really, come on! I could go on for days. But I know my mom isn't happy, she ALWAYS tells me how miserable she is with him here. But she wont make him leave because he has no where to go and she feels bad for him. Oh well, he's gotta go.
BTW incase you wondered where his $1200 a month goes, he has 4 kids all over 30, who don't work and take it all. They call all the time wanting money and not paying it back.