Monday, November 30, 2009
Last day
I have blogged everyday in November, WOW!!! Thats pretty awesome since I haven't blogged in about a year or so! But this will also be my last day posting on this blog. I'll be going back to my LJ after today. I just miss it over there, and I've been posting there since I was add me over there,!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Almost over
I can't believe the "Blogging Bliss" event is almost over. WOW!!!! I think after this event is over I may go back to my LJ! IDK....I miss it over there.
Anywho, my wonderful nine days off have come to and end ALREADY! DAMN! It went by way too fast. Hopefully the next three go quickly and then I'll be off for two weeks for Christmas break! I love the Christmas season :) And I hope it's a wonderful one!
Anywho, my wonderful nine days off have come to and end ALREADY! DAMN! It went by way too fast. Hopefully the next three go quickly and then I'll be off for two weeks for Christmas break! I love the Christmas season :) And I hope it's a wonderful one!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I made it. I was thinking I would not make it home in time to blog today. But I have 20 minutes till midnight. So I better HURRY!!! Today wasn't a special day. I spent most of the morning cuddled in bed watching What Not to Wear and Say Yes to the Dress.. I left around 3 to go to my brothers to baby sit his two youngest babies. They were prefect angels tonight :) MY sister in law is not a good house keeper so I did laundry and dishes while I was there. Which I always do! I swear, she has a nice expensive house and she doesn't try to keep it up. Once I baby say from 2 pm Friday afternoon till about noon Saturday afternoon, it was their anniversary & it's easier to get romantic away from home lol. Well I did all the laundry while they were away. 18 FUCKING LOADS. ROAR!
Ok I'm going to get this posted. Later!
Ok I'm going to get this posted. Later!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Not the day I planned for :)
I had hoped today would be a LAZY day... You know, the one where you stay curled in bed all day and watch movies or read. Well, it turned into a super productive day. I clean my kitchen, & I do mean cleaned it lol. Cleaned the refrigerator, bleached the sink, vacuumed the ceiling fan and pot racks. It looks nice. Then I tackled my living room, moved the sofas and swept and mopped under there. Lord knows I haven't done that in at least 6 months. I washed all my bedding, and the few winter clothes that I have. They have been in a box in the hall closet so they needed to be freshened you could say.
Also to add to my productive day I order my mom her christmas gift. I got her one set last year it was over $100, but it was on sale for $25 so I got her one. It's little ducks made out of reclaimed teak wood. Their cute, and she likes them :).. I also wrote all my cards for the Bliss Card Exchange. I'm just waiting on the list from another MB I post on so I can do those cards, and then that way I know how many stamps to buy. I also need to buy another box of cards, so I'll have enough for family & friends. I'm super excited, I'll be getting my christmas tree Monday evening after work. I love going to get the tree. I go to this place, and you cut your own tree, they have free hot chocolate, and a gift shop. I've gone there ever since I was a little girl. It's awesome!
Also to add to my productive day I order my mom her christmas gift. I got her one set last year it was over $100, but it was on sale for $25 so I got her one. It's little ducks made out of reclaimed teak wood. Their cute, and she likes them :).. I also wrote all my cards for the Bliss Card Exchange. I'm just waiting on the list from another MB I post on so I can do those cards, and then that way I know how many stamps to buy. I also need to buy another box of cards, so I'll have enough for family & friends. I'm super excited, I'll be getting my christmas tree Monday evening after work. I love going to get the tree. I go to this place, and you cut your own tree, they have free hot chocolate, and a gift shop. I've gone there ever since I was a little girl. It's awesome!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Hope everyone had an amazing gobble gobble day! My family didn't do anything for Thanksgiving. So for dinner I had french fries & fried fish. YUM YUM!! I did go to my friend Brittni's & raided their Thanksgiving feast lol. I was productive today, got alot of house cleaning done. But I still have alot to do. As I was cleaning I saw more things I needed to clean for example base boards. But I'll leave those for another day. I went to the hospital to go see Sera, Craig, & Aeralyn. She is sooooo cute, like a baby doll.

Yeah I looked awful so no face shots lol

Brittni & Aeralyn

Sera & Aeralyn

Craig & his baby girl. He's hiding in the corner
so we couldn't see him cry!
Yeah I looked awful so no face shots lol
Brittni & Aeralyn
Sera & Aeralyn
Craig & his baby girl. He's hiding in the corner
so we couldn't see him cry!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Progeria Research Foundation
Well, with Blogging Bliss coming to an end with in the week, I thought I'd take the time to talk about the charity I chose and why!
Well, as you can see the charity I choose was The Progeria Research Foundation! It is a foundation near & dear to my heart. I first heard of progeria when I was about 12-13 years old. It was summer break and I was watching Murry, and one of the guests was a child suffering from progeria. Ever since then it's been a big part of my life! I donate when I can. And my dream is to one day open a camp for the families suffering from progeria to come and just be a normal family! If even for a week!

Progeria is defined as "a rare, fatal genetic condition characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children." Basically it causes children to grow at a much faster rate, about times faster to be exact! And unlike in the movie "Jack" where he looks like a normal grown man. They look like old children! They suffer from problems that most people don't experience until their 50's normally. This includes baldness, arthritis and heart problems, yet they have the mind of a child. Sicking isn't it. Most die from heart issues at about 13. Some pass before that, the oldest known passed at 16!
Well, with Blogging Bliss coming to an end with in the week, I thought I'd take the time to talk about the charity I chose and why!
Well, as you can see the charity I choose was The Progeria Research Foundation! It is a foundation near & dear to my heart. I first heard of progeria when I was about 12-13 years old. It was summer break and I was watching Murry, and one of the guests was a child suffering from progeria. Ever since then it's been a big part of my life! I donate when I can. And my dream is to one day open a camp for the families suffering from progeria to come and just be a normal family! If even for a week!
Progeria is defined as "a rare, fatal genetic condition characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children." Basically it causes children to grow at a much faster rate, about times faster to be exact! And unlike in the movie "Jack" where he looks like a normal grown man. They look like old children! They suffer from problems that most people don't experience until their 50's normally. This includes baldness, arthritis and heart problems, yet they have the mind of a child. Sicking isn't it. Most die from heart issues at about 13. Some pass before that, the oldest known passed at 16!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My head is ready to explode. I think the heat of the hospital triggered it. They had it hot as hell in there. Anywho, Brittni & I went up the the hospital to welcome Aeralyn into the world. She's beautiful :). And she was so alert, little eyes wide open and looking around. I loved it. After leaving the hospital, I went to Wal-Mart and got some grocery's and what not. I still need to get my oil changed. I can't put it off any longer. Maybe tomorrow but I don't want to :(!!! Oh I saw "The Ugly Truth" last night, yum Mr Butler. Also saw "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" today, I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in it. Just not as good as I had hoped! But I'm going to go lay down before my head explodes.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New Moon in less then 4 hours. I'm sooooo excited! So anywho, today is my best friend Brandy's birthday. We're going to lunch and a movie. Giving her a girls day out is the best gift I think I could give her. She NEVER has any her time! She lives with her boyfriend and 4 year old son. If she's not working she's at home with her son! Her boyfriend goes out and has boy time, but she never does. So I know she needs this. Her younger sister is coming with us too. She has a 7 month old baby girl at home, so I know she'll enjoy the day as well. I'll blog again later on, after New Moon!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
No title
Well today was my first day of my beautiful nine days off. I stayed home all day, too damn cold out there lol...I was semi-productive today, kitchen is all clean, did my laundry, washing my sheets now, and got most of my car cleaned out. I'll vacuum it in the morning. USA has been playing all the POTC movies today, so I've been watching that all day :)..I'm excited for tomorrow. One of my best friends, Brandy & her sister Erin & I are going to chinese for lunch, then to go see New Moon. I wasn't a huge fan of the books, and I really thought the first movie could have been so much better, but I am excited for New Moon. It was my favorite book of the series!!! I even have all my Team Jacob stuff together :) Anywho, I'm going to go finish picking up my house, I hate a messy house.
Bliss MB
Progeria Research
Bliss MB
Progeria Research
Friday, November 20, 2009
I am not officially off work for nine days! WHOOT!
I've been sick all day, so when I got home I curled on my couch and watched "The Green Mile" and then "Twilight"...I'm so excited to go see "New Moon" on Sunday :) I'm not even a fan of the series, but I love me some Jacob! I even have all my team Jacob stuff ready to go...But anywho, I know I should actually write blogs worth reading but um, yeah my life is boring!
Bliss MB
I've been sick all day, so when I got home I curled on my couch and watched "The Green Mile" and then "Twilight"...I'm so excited to go see "New Moon" on Sunday :) I'm not even a fan of the series, but I love me some Jacob! I even have all my team Jacob stuff ready to go...But anywho, I know I should actually write blogs worth reading but um, yeah my life is boring!
Bliss MB
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 18
Wow, so I've been blogging everyday for 18 days. WOW!!! I wonder if I will continue after the month is over? I hope so, I like the blogging, but doing it every few days would be better. I might actually have something to say.
My dad, as far as I know is still among the living. I haven't heard anything! They are keeping him completely knocked out and doped up on morphine so he won't feel the pain. It's getting worse. I haven't cried, but I think once it happens I'll break. Everyone breaks. Even though he was an ass and we didn't get along, he was still my father. *sigh*
I don't very much feel like posting. I suppose I'll go clean, I'm sure once he passes, people will all head over here.
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
My dad, as far as I know is still among the living. I haven't heard anything! They are keeping him completely knocked out and doped up on morphine so he won't feel the pain. It's getting worse. I haven't cried, but I think once it happens I'll break. Everyone breaks. Even though he was an ass and we didn't get along, he was still my father. *sigh*
I don't very much feel like posting. I suppose I'll go clean, I'm sure once he passes, people will all head over here.
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Uncle Max called, told me that if I want to still see my father in life form (so to speak) that tonight is the night. I can't! I just can't go up there. I know it makes me awful, but I just can't. I don't know how to deal with this. I don't know rather to be sad or not. He was out of my life from when I was 8 till 21. And about 4 months after he started coming back around we found out about the cancer. He lived with until the end of May this year, and the entire time he and I butted heads. We just didn't get along. And there is so much more to this story, but now isn't the time to talk about his short comings. All I know is he will be gone before the week is out and I can't go to the nursing home.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday the 16th
Well I got sent home from work today. They kicked me out at 8:30, they said I need to be home with my dad knocking on deaths door. His nurse called at 10:30 last night, and she he was doing awful! She said she was off today and doesn't expect to see him when she returns on Tuesday. I'd rather be at work, working so my mind won't be on all of this. At home all I can do is sit and wait for the call to say he's died. Oh I pray to God its peaceful, and soon he's in so much pain.
I'll update you all later.
I'll update you all later.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My Uncle Max called me today, to tell me my dad doesn't have much longer. That if it makes it till tomorrow it will be a miracle. I have heard that same statement 10 times since my father entered the nursing home back in August. I've gone to see him once. I know it sounds awful, but I can't deal with it. I have no idea how! My dad was absent from my life till December 2007, then 4 months later we found out he had cancer. And we're not close! I went once to see him, to keep my mother off my back, she thought I needed to go so when he passed I wouldn't feel guilty. All he talked about was how horrible he was as a father, and I told him when he first came back I do not want to talk about the past. Makes me so uncomfortable. And then nursing homes period, guys I was throwing up on the way there because I utterly am terrified of nursing homes. Guys, I may be horrible but its how I feel. I hope he does pass soon, he is in a great deal of pain, and there is nothing they can give him for it. I hope he's right with God and goes to sleep! I hope its peaceful!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I'm exhausted. MY friend decided last minute yesterday afternoon to have a garage sale today. I agreed to help out, and bring stuff to put in it. So I was up until midnight pricing and getting shit together. Then I woke up at 5 to get out there and help set up...And we stayed pretty busy. So I'm just beat! So of course since we are having a garage sale, what do we do? Leave her husband in charge and we go garage selling. I got a few picture frames, nothing else really caught my eye. But we went in the fancy neighborhoods. They have the good shit lol! I got home at about 3:30 and crashed on the couch for an hour. Then I decided I was hungry, so I went to Wendys. Their spicy chicken wraps are yummy! So thats basically been my day up until now, its bout 5:30ish. I don't see anything eventful going on tonight, so night all!
Bliss MB
The Progeria Research Foundation
Bliss MB
The Progeria Research Foundation
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bring on the weekend
WOW, finally the weekend. One more week till Thanksgiving break :)!!! Anywho, on the way home I stopped at a garage sale at a church, they were raising money for a member who had been in a car accident. I got a couple board games. Ever since I've been home I've been cleaning out, a friend of mine decided this afternoon that tomorrow she wants to have a garage sale. So I'm trying to get some shit together. I hadn't realized I had so much crap. I'm such a pack rat. That and I shop too much! With the short notice I won't have much together to take, but every little bit ouf of my house helps. I also have another friend having a garage sale tomorrow, so I need to go by it :)....I am a garage sale junkie! Anywho after the garage sale, I hope to come home and just relax. Maybe get some reading done. I can hope!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
So it's Thursday. YAY!!! That means tomorrow is Friday. I must say today, was a pretty good day. Work went well, came home and got cleaning done, cooked yummy chicken for dinner. So yes good day!I honestly have nothing to blog about. After this I hope to shower and get some reading in. I have tons of books I have yet to touch. Ok I give up, I honestly have nothing to say. And thats rare. I can usually pull crap out of the air and talk about it, but not today. I suppose no inspiration. So I'll try again tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yet another day passes without me being productive
Today has been wonderful. I got to sleep in a little bit, whcih caused me to have to rush to get ready for work but it was worth it. Work was great! No drama, which is how I like it. Anywho, after work I came home and cooked.. Yes, I cooked. I haven't cooked in about two weeks. But I wanted spaghetti and I got it lol! But I still have yet to clean the house. Everyday at work, I think about how when I get home I'm going to pump up the radio and clean my house. I swear I haven't done a thing. I cooked, cleaned the dinner dishes, and then watched "Wolverine". I just need motivation. I also have a ton of things to scrapbook, and nope haven't done that either. I have things from 3-4 years ago. I swear! Hopefully tomorrow will being motivation! But according to Netflix, I'll be getting a movie tomorrow, so I doubt it :)
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I have a lot of this to try and do tonight. So my blog is mainly going to be points LOL!!! So I'm sorry! I promise a real blog tomorrow.
-Slept though the night :)
-Got so much done at work, I'm three days ahead :)
-No rain from Hurricane Ida :)
-Gained two pounds :(
-Got awesome stamps on Bliss :)
-Cleaning out for an upcoming garage sale :/
-Tomorrow is Thanksgiving dinner at work :D
-My life is boring :*(
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
-Slept though the night :)
-Got so much done at work, I'm three days ahead :)
-No rain from Hurricane Ida :)
-Gained two pounds :(
-Got awesome stamps on Bliss :)
-Cleaning out for an upcoming garage sale :/
-Tomorrow is Thanksgiving dinner at work :D
-My life is boring :*(
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
Monday, November 9, 2009
No title today, to lazy :D
Monday down, four more to go. I know pathetic right, the weekend just ended and I'm already counting down till the next one. What can I say I like being at home, and not getting up at 5am. Speaking of getting up at 5am, I haven't been able to get more then 3 hours of sleep lately. I either A.) Don't fall asleep until 2 or 3 am,and then I wake up at 5am. SUCKS or B.) Go to bed at a pretty decent time, but then I wake up 3 hours later wide awake and unable to go back to sleep. It's really annoying. I have sleeping pills, but I'm scared to take them during the week, because I'm scared I won't wake up in the morning. Oh well, I hope tonight goes well...Or at least better.
My day was a pretty boring. I went to work were nothing eventful happened. After that I ran to Wal-Mart, for nothing really just to waste time. I got my niece this Littlest Pet Shop play set for Christmas and Fern Gully on dvd for my nephew. He's really into saving the planet (thanks to his mother). So that was productive, right? Well I also got a couple dvds for myself, which I need like a hole in the head. Anywho after that I came home and posted a bit, then I took my mom and sister out to dinner, where I spent more then I was comfortable with. But oh well, I prob tipped the waiter too much, but he was good and cute :) And that was my day, now I sit here typing it up for you my Bliss Lovers, hoping it doesn't bore you to too many tears.
Bliss MB
The Progeria Research Foundation
My day was a pretty boring. I went to work were nothing eventful happened. After that I ran to Wal-Mart, for nothing really just to waste time. I got my niece this Littlest Pet Shop play set for Christmas and Fern Gully on dvd for my nephew. He's really into saving the planet (thanks to his mother). So that was productive, right? Well I also got a couple dvds for myself, which I need like a hole in the head. Anywho after that I came home and posted a bit, then I took my mom and sister out to dinner, where I spent more then I was comfortable with. But oh well, I prob tipped the waiter too much, but he was good and cute :) And that was my day, now I sit here typing it up for you my Bliss Lovers, hoping it doesn't bore you to too many tears.
Bliss MB
The Progeria Research Foundation
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Damn headaches
I'm so tired of getting headaches, it seems that I have them all the time. And they are never the ones that you can ignore and go on about your day, they are awful. I have to lay down most of the time, or I end up throwing up. It's just bad. I should prob go see a doctor about it, but I'm too cheap. At least there is Excedrin!
Today has been a pretty productive day, I must say I'm proud. I got all my laundry done,folded, and hung up. I still have to wast my bedding, but that can wait till tomorrow. Dishes all done, all the vacuuming done, sweep and mopped, bathroom all clean. Finally out the new sticker on my car & put the new registration in there. Priced & boxed up a few things for an upcoming garage sale. So I'm pretty pleased with myself. I have a few bigger projects I need to tackle, but I'll save those for my week off coming up. The main reason I think I got so much done today was because Bliss was slow, the members were off having a real life and left me here LMAO!
I'm also proud to say I've got some Christmas shopping done. I'm completely done with my sister, and I got a few things for my mom. I'm completely at a loss on what to get my brother. Everything he wants costs WAY too much, and he just goes out and buys it himself. I'll prob get him yet ANOTHER LSU shirt or something. Oh and don't suggest a gift card because he forgets he has them and never uses it, so its a BIG waste of my money. Thankfully his wife is easy, CHOCOLATE!
If you haven't already, make sure you go check out the website for progeria research. Its a sicking disease and a great cause!
Today has been a pretty productive day, I must say I'm proud. I got all my laundry done,folded, and hung up. I still have to wast my bedding, but that can wait till tomorrow. Dishes all done, all the vacuuming done, sweep and mopped, bathroom all clean. Finally out the new sticker on my car & put the new registration in there. Priced & boxed up a few things for an upcoming garage sale. So I'm pretty pleased with myself. I have a few bigger projects I need to tackle, but I'll save those for my week off coming up. The main reason I think I got so much done today was because Bliss was slow, the members were off having a real life and left me here LMAO!
I'm also proud to say I've got some Christmas shopping done. I'm completely done with my sister, and I got a few things for my mom. I'm completely at a loss on what to get my brother. Everything he wants costs WAY too much, and he just goes out and buys it himself. I'll prob get him yet ANOTHER LSU shirt or something. Oh and don't suggest a gift card because he forgets he has them and never uses it, so its a BIG waste of my money. Thankfully his wife is easy, CHOCOLATE!
If you haven't already, make sure you go check out the website for progeria research. Its a sicking disease and a great cause!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Saturday, so peaceful
Today has been such a peaceful & relaxing day. It felt so nice! This morning I got up bright and early (6 am) and take a nice LONG HOT shower. No rushing! Then I went to some garage sales with my friend Brittni. I got a few little goodies and only spent $9. How awesome is that? Way awesome! After that we decided we deserved a girls lunch out, so to Subway we went. We're easy to please :).. After I dropped her off, I came home and did some posting on Bliss MB..Updated my stamps, which Whit told me I didn't have to upload to Photobucket. Opps, well I've already been doing that and I'm too lazy to go switch it all over, so I'll just continue with it. But no worries I won't delete any for those who have traded with me.. And the rest of the afternoon I spent lazing about on the couch watching movies. I never have slow paced, do as I want days, so I'm thrilled right now. I'm going to get off of here, to go enjoy whats left of it. So later lovers!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sweet & short day 6
When I tell you exhausted, I mean it. I'm sitting here yawning & with watery eyes as I type. This Bloggin' Bliss event is really showing me how boring my day to day life is. I actually feel bad for you who actually read this.
But it is officially the weekend, and as far as Fridays go today was pretty good. Work over all was smooth, the kids drove me nuts towards the end of the day. But it is Friday & that is to be expected. Now this only leaves two weeks until the Thanksgiving break, which I am overly excited for. Oh, I got my new dryer today. It's so nice to be able once again to dry clothes at my own house, instead of lugging wet clothes across the street to Brittnis. Even though I ended up at Brittni's anyway. Thats my second home. She and I mapped out some garage sales to hit in the morning, so we're getting up early for that. I hope their nice, we're going to the rich neighborhoods LOL!!!
I actually had a few things to say today, but I'm tired and I'd rather go to bed then type up my opinions lol. Night lovers!
But it is officially the weekend, and as far as Fridays go today was pretty good. Work over all was smooth, the kids drove me nuts towards the end of the day. But it is Friday & that is to be expected. Now this only leaves two weeks until the Thanksgiving break, which I am overly excited for. Oh, I got my new dryer today. It's so nice to be able once again to dry clothes at my own house, instead of lugging wet clothes across the street to Brittnis. Even though I ended up at Brittni's anyway. Thats my second home. She and I mapped out some garage sales to hit in the morning, so we're getting up early for that. I hope their nice, we're going to the rich neighborhoods LOL!!!
I actually had a few things to say today, but I'm tired and I'd rather go to bed then type up my opinions lol. Night lovers!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Uneventful day number 5
I went in to work 30 minutes early today, hoping to be able to come in and take my time getting ready for the actual work day, but NO! From the time I got to work till the time I left, I never stopped moving. The day was total mayhem! But thankfully tomorrow is Friday, and then only two weeks till the week long Thanksgiving break :D.
After work, I went to my best friends Brittni's to hang with her & her son Logan. Her mom had surgery this morning, nothing major, they just removed the inner layer of her uterus. So she's fine, just a little uncomfortable. So while I was there I did her dishes and a couple loads of laundry. Which Brittni should have actually done, but yeah lol! Once I got to my own house, I turned into a lazy cow, although I did move some lumber I have in front of the garage so the delivery people coming tomorrow can come though! I'm thrilled to finally have a dryer again. I was always at Brittni's drying my clothes.
Oh, my friend Mary had her first born on Tuesday night. A little boy, Brody. I'm beyond thrilled. It's funny though, because I've never met her in person. We actually met on an MB about seven years ago. We had SOOO much in common, we bonded quickly. So I'm very excited for her.
Well ladies, I still need to shower & clean up before bed!
Bliss Mb
Progeria research
After work, I went to my best friends Brittni's to hang with her & her son Logan. Her mom had surgery this morning, nothing major, they just removed the inner layer of her uterus. So she's fine, just a little uncomfortable. So while I was there I did her dishes and a couple loads of laundry. Which Brittni should have actually done, but yeah lol! Once I got to my own house, I turned into a lazy cow, although I did move some lumber I have in front of the garage so the delivery people coming tomorrow can come though! I'm thrilled to finally have a dryer again. I was always at Brittni's drying my clothes.
Oh, my friend Mary had her first born on Tuesday night. A little boy, Brody. I'm beyond thrilled. It's funny though, because I've never met her in person. We actually met on an MB about seven years ago. We had SOOO much in common, we bonded quickly. So I'm very excited for her.
Well ladies, I still need to shower & clean up before bed!
Bliss Mb
Progeria research
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
100 Things that make me happy :)
I've had yet another shitty day. And when I start having bad days I think about what makes me happy, so I decided to come up with 100 things that make me happy :)
1. Taking Random photos of people & things
2. Beer nights
3. Bubble baths
4. Softlips chapstick
5. The 26th of every month (payday)
6. My room being clean.
7. Floating around on a raft in the pool.
8. My students!
9. Ian, Evan, and Meg
10. Crappy 1935(ish) horror movies.
11. Going to the park
12. Going to the movies
13. Going to check out and the item rings up half price!
14. Myspace editing
15. Meeting awesome ass new people
16. Dancing in the isles at Wal-Mart
17. Disney cartoon movies
18. All of my love bunnies!
19. $5 dvds
21. Emo Puffs
22. CC's Coffee
23. Random text messages
24. Clearence sales.
25. Saw
26. Spending the whole day on the couch with a good book.
27. Falling asleep with my MP3 player
28. Costas Mandylor
29. Johnny Depp
30. Baby Logan!
31. "I love you aunt Kyli" from Ian
32. Having holidays & weekends off
33. The levee
34. The smell of the pillow after that someone special spends the night
35. Concerts!!!
36. Watching drunk people dance.
37. Being the only person in the movie theater
38. Taco Bell
39. Fridays
40. Getting myspace comments
41. Making a CD then blasting it in the car
42. Coin Nights
43. Hearing from old friends
44. Gene Wilder movies.....
45. Fresh out of the dryer sheets
46. Sleeping in.
47. Getting things done
48. Hearing "It's hard out here for a pimp" calling
49. Dancing in my car
50. Fireworks
51. Randomness.
52. Celebrity gossip
53. Baking
54. Shoe Shopping
55. PhotoImpact
56. Old reruns on TV
57. Fear Friday on AMC
58. Student discount
59. Getting flowers
60. Random acts of kindness
61. Babies
62. The toy section at wal-mart
63. Blowing Bubbles
64. Laying in the grass and watching cloud formations
65. The word "savvy"
66. Washing my car
67. Naps
68. Harry Potter
69. Pedicures
70. Bonus checks
71. Planning baby showers.
72. Body pillows
73. Evan art
74. The alarm not waking me up in the morning
75. Scrapbooking
76. Just Jack
77. Excedrin
78. ♥
79. Blogging
80. New clothes
81. Playing in the rain
82. Writing stories
83. Knowing where my remote is
84. Making ringtones
85. Colors (in general ex. blue, green)
86. Coloring
87. Rave Theather
88. Hugs
89. The sound you hear when opening new coffee.
90. Surveys
91. Taking myspace pictures
92. Fairy Odd Parents
93. T-shirts with random sayings
94. Knowing where I am going in life
95. Baskin Robbins cookie dough ice creme
96. Three Days Grace
97. Getting my hair done
98. Knowing that there is someone out there for me
99. Wiggling my toes in the sand
100. sweatpants & DVD days :)
1. Taking Random photos of people & things
2. Beer nights
3. Bubble baths
4. Softlips chapstick
5. The 26th of every month (payday)
6. My room being clean.
7. Floating around on a raft in the pool.
8. My students!
9. Ian, Evan, and Meg
10. Crappy 1935(ish) horror movies.
11. Going to the park
12. Going to the movies
13. Going to check out and the item rings up half price!
14. Myspace editing
15. Meeting awesome ass new people
16. Dancing in the isles at Wal-Mart
17. Disney cartoon movies
18. All of my love bunnies!
19. $5 dvds
21. Emo Puffs
22. CC's Coffee
23. Random text messages
24. Clearence sales.
25. Saw
26. Spending the whole day on the couch with a good book.
27. Falling asleep with my MP3 player
28. Costas Mandylor
29. Johnny Depp
30. Baby Logan!
31. "I love you aunt Kyli" from Ian
32. Having holidays & weekends off
33. The levee
34. The smell of the pillow after that someone special spends the night
35. Concerts!!!
36. Watching drunk people dance.
37. Being the only person in the movie theater
38. Taco Bell
39. Fridays
40. Getting myspace comments
41. Making a CD then blasting it in the car
42. Coin Nights
43. Hearing from old friends
44. Gene Wilder movies.....
45. Fresh out of the dryer sheets
46. Sleeping in.
47. Getting things done
48. Hearing "It's hard out here for a pimp" calling
49. Dancing in my car
50. Fireworks
51. Randomness.
52. Celebrity gossip
53. Baking
54. Shoe Shopping
55. PhotoImpact
56. Old reruns on TV
57. Fear Friday on AMC
58. Student discount
59. Getting flowers
60. Random acts of kindness
61. Babies
62. The toy section at wal-mart
63. Blowing Bubbles
64. Laying in the grass and watching cloud formations
65. The word "savvy"
66. Washing my car
67. Naps
68. Harry Potter
69. Pedicures
70. Bonus checks
71. Planning baby showers.
72. Body pillows
73. Evan art
74. The alarm not waking me up in the morning
75. Scrapbooking
76. Just Jack
77. Excedrin
78. ♥
79. Blogging
80. New clothes
81. Playing in the rain
82. Writing stories
83. Knowing where my remote is
84. Making ringtones
85. Colors (in general ex. blue, green)
86. Coloring
87. Rave Theather
88. Hugs
89. The sound you hear when opening new coffee.
90. Surveys
91. Taking myspace pictures
92. Fairy Odd Parents
93. T-shirts with random sayings
94. Knowing where I am going in life
95. Baskin Robbins cookie dough ice creme
96. Three Days Grace
97. Getting my hair done
98. Knowing that there is someone out there for me
99. Wiggling my toes in the sand
100. sweatpants & DVD days :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Too tired to think up clever, witty titles
I'm effing exhausted this evening! After this I'm hitting the showers then the sheets. Today at work was hell. I felt as if I was going in twenty different directions. But it was basically a drama free day, I only bit two or three heads off :)! After work, I had planned to hit the ground running and get tons of small odds and ends accomplished. Yeah didn't happen. I did go to the store to return a couple of shirts, I did get to go walking and do my work out. But my house is a complete disaster. I have not cleaned a thing today. And now it's going on 9 at night, and I'm too tired to care. But lately I've been getting up at 2:30 in the morning and not being able to sleep, so I'll clean then. I just don't understand how I can go to bed at 11:30 only to wake up at 2:30 WIDE AWAKE & unable to go back to sleep. It's rather annoying! I'm sorry to make this so short and uneventful but those are my weeks & I'm tired.
Bliss MB
Progeria Research
Bliss MB
Progeria Research
Monday, November 2, 2009
Day two :)
So I woke up this morning, stared out of my window and I saw sunlight. So I assumed I was late for work, so I jumped up and quickly got ready. I ended up being an hour EARLY for work. Oh well, I got to leave early. Today has been really uneventful! But my Mondays usually are! After work, I came home and did nothing lol. The most productive things I've done today was make a couple items for my shop on Bliss. I really hate to cut this blog SUPER short today, but it's already 7 and I have to shower and clean my kitchen. So good night, and see you tomorrow with hopefully something better then this.
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
Bliss MB
Progeria Research Foundation
Sunday, November 1, 2009
And today it starts.....
So, today is the first day of the "Bloggin' Bliss" event. I must admit I'm pretty excited to be taking part. I needed something to kick me in the ass to start blogging again. I always tell myself I'll start one day, but I never do. My poor live journal hasn't been updated since February. I was actually pretty torn on if I should have used my old LJ or start a new blog. As you can see I went ahead and started fresh! Fresh start, clean slate. I'll probably cross post from time to time. If you'd like to check out my LJ, go here.. Just let me know who you are :). Anywho, the charity I'm supporting is The Progeria Research Foundation. Progeria is a disease that is defined as "a rare, fatal genetic condition characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children"...So hopefully you ladies & gents will go to the site and check it out. A lot of people have actually never even heard of progeria, and that saddens me. So hopefully this blog will at least bring my fellow bliss-a-holics closer to this cause!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Bloggin' Bliss
I set this new blog up just for the "Bloggin Bliss" event. I had a Live Journal account, but I figured might as well start over. Hopefully I'll keep this up after the 30 days of blogging have ended :)
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