Kyli's Random Blog
Sunday, February 24, 2013
I got this.....
I know I know, a year and a half since my last sad attempt at blogging. So much has happened in the last year I don't even know where to begin. But lets just begin with today & move forward. I just needed my random corner of the internet back. I'll post all kinds of random stuff. So look forward to that. I won't be doing a 365 on here, I'm over 140 pictures in over on facebook. Maybe if I choose to do it again. Anyhow I'm out for tonight. I PROMISE to blog more.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I'll try to mention everything
Ok, so it's been an insane few months. I'll try to talk about everything, and I'm sure I'll ramble, but here it goes.
So I'm nearing the end of the fall semester. I think there is only 5 weeks left. Or something like that. And I'm ready for it to end. It's been crazy. Between working the hours I do, then being at school till 9 at night, 3 nights a week, it's a lot. I'm taking American Government, Physical Science, Geography, & Math. My grades are doing good, so they aren't suffering. But I still think I put too much on myself. I need to get advised for next semester, I hope to do that in the next couple of weeks. I'm also aiming to transfer within the next year or year and a half :)
It's been ok. I can't complain really. Everything seems to be sailing along. I do have a few rants, but I'm sure you will hear about them, when they annoy me :P
For those who have read past entries, you all have heard me complain about my moms boyfriend, Jerry. Well let me fill you in on the last month or so. So I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. On September 25, Jerry was putting in a new over my mom bought. Now a lot of work was involved. Well he did it wrong, it effed up the cabinet because he measured wrong. So my mom mentioned that. And oh my goodness, he begins acting like a two year old. Screaming, cussing, & fussing. This goes on for about 40 minutes, then he decides he is gonna take it down. My mom said no, because when he is in those moods he gets very careless. Anywho, mom stands in front of the oven telling him he can't take it down, to go chill out, and it can be done the next day. Well he grabs her wrist (the one he broke) and starts yanking & pulling on her. Well I go over there, and try to get as in between them as I can and tell him to leave it alone. Well he starts shoving me and telling me to stay out of it. And he kept shoving us both, so out of reaction I shoved him, with two open hands. I NEVER hit him and that was the ONLY time I touched him. NExt thing I know, he is swinging at me with closed fists. My instinct was to turn around and block my mom. He busted my lip, and hit me on the side of the face. But most of the blows were at the base of my skull, neck, and a few on my back. Yes cops were called, and yes he left. Since he has left its been nothing but bullshit. He's written my mom emails calling her a whore, telling her if she doesn't let him come back he's having me thrown in jail, etc. He's all nice until my mom says now, then he calls her a whore. He tells her, he's just going to show up with his stuff and not leaving. So when he comes in a couple weeks to get the rest of his shit, I just know drama will come. He wrote me a message on Facebook a couple days ago, telling me that my mom loves him and I EQUALLY and me being selfish is killing my mom. That I need to stop being selfish and tell her its ok that he comes back. My mom keeps telling him no. She also keeps telling him that him hitting me was just the straw that broke the camels back, that there are several other things that are keeping her from allowing him back. Trust thats the VERY short story.
Well his graduation is November 4th, I survived the two months! I'm all clear and have my passes to go to the base. BUT I can't go. I'd be gone a week, miss 4 days of work, pay for 5 days of eatting out, and 5 nights at a hotel. Sorry, I love you but I'm poor. His girlfriend is out of the picture. Since he's left she has just been a complete BITCH! I'm not going to tell you about all of it, but the other day she was posting on her FB wall and on the wall of some band she likes (yes telling them whats up). she was posting shes done with Tyler, that my godsister (his mom) is jealous of her and psycho, that Tyler is an immature, non gentleman because he didn't stand up for her. Well um, my godsister and this girl have not spoken since Tyler left. Even the girlfriend has told me that.....And he is in basic effing training, wtf does she want him to do. It got nasty. I told her what I thought and she blocked me but IDC. When we got our passes, there wasn't one for her. And Tyler is the one who turned in the information, so take the hint sister girl. Sounds like he was done with you!
But that should catch you all up for now. I'm going to go to bed. It's almost 10 and I gotta work tomorrow. I promise to keep up with my blogging.
So I'm nearing the end of the fall semester. I think there is only 5 weeks left. Or something like that. And I'm ready for it to end. It's been crazy. Between working the hours I do, then being at school till 9 at night, 3 nights a week, it's a lot. I'm taking American Government, Physical Science, Geography, & Math. My grades are doing good, so they aren't suffering. But I still think I put too much on myself. I need to get advised for next semester, I hope to do that in the next couple of weeks. I'm also aiming to transfer within the next year or year and a half :)
It's been ok. I can't complain really. Everything seems to be sailing along. I do have a few rants, but I'm sure you will hear about them, when they annoy me :P
For those who have read past entries, you all have heard me complain about my moms boyfriend, Jerry. Well let me fill you in on the last month or so. So I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible. On September 25, Jerry was putting in a new over my mom bought. Now a lot of work was involved. Well he did it wrong, it effed up the cabinet because he measured wrong. So my mom mentioned that. And oh my goodness, he begins acting like a two year old. Screaming, cussing, & fussing. This goes on for about 40 minutes, then he decides he is gonna take it down. My mom said no, because when he is in those moods he gets very careless. Anywho, mom stands in front of the oven telling him he can't take it down, to go chill out, and it can be done the next day. Well he grabs her wrist (the one he broke) and starts yanking & pulling on her. Well I go over there, and try to get as in between them as I can and tell him to leave it alone. Well he starts shoving me and telling me to stay out of it. And he kept shoving us both, so out of reaction I shoved him, with two open hands. I NEVER hit him and that was the ONLY time I touched him. NExt thing I know, he is swinging at me with closed fists. My instinct was to turn around and block my mom. He busted my lip, and hit me on the side of the face. But most of the blows were at the base of my skull, neck, and a few on my back. Yes cops were called, and yes he left. Since he has left its been nothing but bullshit. He's written my mom emails calling her a whore, telling her if she doesn't let him come back he's having me thrown in jail, etc. He's all nice until my mom says now, then he calls her a whore. He tells her, he's just going to show up with his stuff and not leaving. So when he comes in a couple weeks to get the rest of his shit, I just know drama will come. He wrote me a message on Facebook a couple days ago, telling me that my mom loves him and I EQUALLY and me being selfish is killing my mom. That I need to stop being selfish and tell her its ok that he comes back. My mom keeps telling him no. She also keeps telling him that him hitting me was just the straw that broke the camels back, that there are several other things that are keeping her from allowing him back. Trust thats the VERY short story.
Well his graduation is November 4th, I survived the two months! I'm all clear and have my passes to go to the base. BUT I can't go. I'd be gone a week, miss 4 days of work, pay for 5 days of eatting out, and 5 nights at a hotel. Sorry, I love you but I'm poor. His girlfriend is out of the picture. Since he's left she has just been a complete BITCH! I'm not going to tell you about all of it, but the other day she was posting on her FB wall and on the wall of some band she likes (yes telling them whats up). she was posting shes done with Tyler, that my godsister (his mom) is jealous of her and psycho, that Tyler is an immature, non gentleman because he didn't stand up for her. Well um, my godsister and this girl have not spoken since Tyler left. Even the girlfriend has told me that.....And he is in basic effing training, wtf does she want him to do. It got nasty. I told her what I thought and she blocked me but IDC. When we got our passes, there wasn't one for her. And Tyler is the one who turned in the information, so take the hint sister girl. Sounds like he was done with you!
But that should catch you all up for now. I'm going to go to bed. It's almost 10 and I gotta work tomorrow. I promise to keep up with my blogging.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Shame on me
I know, I know shame on me. It's been over a month & a half since my last post. Why? Because I forgot my password. AGAIN! I swear, but I wrote it down this time and hung it on the wall behind my computer, so no more forgetting.
Monday, September 5, 2011
It's here
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I suck, I know
I'm the worst blogger EVER. I am really sorry I haven't been around. But the school I attend switched their e-mail system to Gmail, so I of course have to sign in using google & my BRCC info. Well when I did that it signed me out of my normal Google account. I sign on to Blogger using google. Took my two weeks to figure out my password & such. But I'm back now. My summer is almost over, back to work. BAH. But anywho, proper blogs are on the way, I promise.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Hey there
Hey all. I know it's been a while since I last wrote & no this will not be a weight loss blog. Just a random blog. Let's see, what can I ramble about tonight.
Well first, my god sister had a garage sale this past Friday & Saturday. There was so much stuff. Like I have never seen so much stuff in my life at a garage sale, unless it was like a church where several people donated or something. But it was just her, me & my sister. I had a few boxes of things but nothing major. And my sister mostly had baby clothes & things. Now my god sister on the other hand, well. She had a barn & two sheds FULL of stuff. Yes I have pictures :) And this isn't even all of it......

Tyler laughing at Clair for getting stuck. Yes, he's posing.

Lets see what else can I talk about, oh my mom douche of a boyfriend. Yes, douche. Tonight as she was walking past him to go to the restroom she glanced at his computer screen & saw something about phone spy or some shit. And every time she walked by, he'd try to hide the screen from her. So, she got on her computer & googled it. Turns out he was researching some program you can DL on peoples phones & spy on them with it. Like read their texts, see pictures, things of that nature. So I guess she called him out on it & he told her she was being deceptive. Since my mom broke her arm she's left the house three times. All with me with her. Once was to a doctor thing for a check up, once to her job to talk to her boss & to the grocery store, then once to the hospital to apply for aid for her medical bills. Other then that she has not left the house, much less talk to anyone. Well she told me what he was up to, I put a password on her phone and went back to my room. Well then he goes in her office questioning if she told me, my mom said yes. OMG then he bugs out.
"I don't tell my kids about our problems. Thats not right that you tell yours. Thats why she hates me. You always tell her shit.....It's not right."
I'm sitting there thinking, "You did wrong & got pissed bc my mom told me"......Your kids don't have to live here & witness all the bullshit you create & start. Even if my mom didn't talk to me, I still see & hear 90% of it jackass. I watch DAILY as you treat my mom like shit, treat her like your bitch. I mean really, wtf. You're a piece of shit excuse for a man. And you don't tell you kids bc your kids don't care. They only call when they want money. They're all worthless also! Ok I'm done ranting for the time being.
But thats all for me tonight. I've got to get up early in the morning. So I'll ttyl!
Well first, my god sister had a garage sale this past Friday & Saturday. There was so much stuff. Like I have never seen so much stuff in my life at a garage sale, unless it was like a church where several people donated or something. But it was just her, me & my sister. I had a few boxes of things but nothing major. And my sister mostly had baby clothes & things. Now my god sister on the other hand, well. She had a barn & two sheds FULL of stuff. Yes I have pictures :) And this isn't even all of it......
Tyler laughing at Clair for getting stuck. Yes, he's posing.
Lets see what else can I talk about, oh my mom douche of a boyfriend. Yes, douche. Tonight as she was walking past him to go to the restroom she glanced at his computer screen & saw something about phone spy or some shit. And every time she walked by, he'd try to hide the screen from her. So, she got on her computer & googled it. Turns out he was researching some program you can DL on peoples phones & spy on them with it. Like read their texts, see pictures, things of that nature. So I guess she called him out on it & he told her she was being deceptive. Since my mom broke her arm she's left the house three times. All with me with her. Once was to a doctor thing for a check up, once to her job to talk to her boss & to the grocery store, then once to the hospital to apply for aid for her medical bills. Other then that she has not left the house, much less talk to anyone. Well she told me what he was up to, I put a password on her phone and went back to my room. Well then he goes in her office questioning if she told me, my mom said yes. OMG then he bugs out.
"I don't tell my kids about our problems. Thats not right that you tell yours. Thats why she hates me. You always tell her shit.....It's not right."
I'm sitting there thinking, "You did wrong & got pissed bc my mom told me"......Your kids don't have to live here & witness all the bullshit you create & start. Even if my mom didn't talk to me, I still see & hear 90% of it jackass. I watch DAILY as you treat my mom like shit, treat her like your bitch. I mean really, wtf. You're a piece of shit excuse for a man. And you don't tell you kids bc your kids don't care. They only call when they want money. They're all worthless also! Ok I'm done ranting for the time being.
But thats all for me tonight. I've got to get up early in the morning. So I'll ttyl!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Update time
I know I'm a terrible blogger. But I'm doing better, at least it hasn't been over 2 or 3 months since my last post. Just a couple of weeks. So lets see, whats been going on?!?!
Well Tyler graduated on the 10th I believe. It was a nice ceremony, a little long but nice. Each of the seniors wore a butterfly in honor of a friend who passed away a year ago. Very nice, lots of honors for him. Tyler got a couple of awards, the technology award & the patriotism award. He also got $80,000 from the Air force for schooling and such. Pretty awesome! Afterwards we all just went to Chili's & ate. When we got back to the house, I died. I was exhausted.

And the worst picture you guys will ever see, we both look like we don't want to be there.

Oh on Sunday, the 22nd, my mom broke her arm. Yes, freaked the hell out of me. She had to stay at the hospital over night & have surgery on it on the 23. Sucks, because the 23 was my moms birthday. Also REALLY sucks because she has no insurance. So its going to be expensive as hell and she can't work for at least 2 months. So I'm feeling a bit stressed. Since her arm is broken she can't do anything. Can't cook, clean, etc. Esp now, since the pain is at it's worst. So I've been trying to do some of the daily stuff to help out. Her "dude" isn't doing shit (which he should since its his fault. It was an accident, but if he hadn't been so careless it wouldn't have happened) & my sister just says that the baby took up all of her time. But oh well. I take mom to the doctor on the 6th so see how everything is healing.
Tomorrow is the last day at work with students. It honestly does not feel like the end of the year. This year flew by, I think part of it has to do with the fact that I went to school at night. It helped pass the time. But I will miss some of my babies. My 3rd graders mostly, since they won't be returning next year, they will go to the next school. Anywho, then Friday we go in till 11 or so then head to the end of the year crawfish boil. Def looking forward to that.
Well guys, I think thats the bigger happenings from the last couple of weeks. So heres a few pics of some of the flooding in the area & a couple other random ones.
CRAWFISH, nom nom nom

Evan won the "Most Creative" out of everyone in his class.


Well Tyler graduated on the 10th I believe. It was a nice ceremony, a little long but nice. Each of the seniors wore a butterfly in honor of a friend who passed away a year ago. Very nice, lots of honors for him. Tyler got a couple of awards, the technology award & the patriotism award. He also got $80,000 from the Air force for schooling and such. Pretty awesome! Afterwards we all just went to Chili's & ate. When we got back to the house, I died. I was exhausted.
And the worst picture you guys will ever see, we both look like we don't want to be there.
Oh on Sunday, the 22nd, my mom broke her arm. Yes, freaked the hell out of me. She had to stay at the hospital over night & have surgery on it on the 23. Sucks, because the 23 was my moms birthday. Also REALLY sucks because she has no insurance. So its going to be expensive as hell and she can't work for at least 2 months. So I'm feeling a bit stressed. Since her arm is broken she can't do anything. Can't cook, clean, etc. Esp now, since the pain is at it's worst. So I've been trying to do some of the daily stuff to help out. Her "dude" isn't doing shit (which he should since its his fault. It was an accident, but if he hadn't been so careless it wouldn't have happened) & my sister just says that the baby took up all of her time. But oh well. I take mom to the doctor on the 6th so see how everything is healing.
Tomorrow is the last day at work with students. It honestly does not feel like the end of the year. This year flew by, I think part of it has to do with the fact that I went to school at night. It helped pass the time. But I will miss some of my babies. My 3rd graders mostly, since they won't be returning next year, they will go to the next school. Anywho, then Friday we go in till 11 or so then head to the end of the year crawfish boil. Def looking forward to that.
Well guys, I think thats the bigger happenings from the last couple of weeks. So heres a few pics of some of the flooding in the area & a couple other random ones.
CRAWFISH, nom nom nom
Evan won the "Most Creative" out of everyone in his class.
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